This is a reminder for me and I'm pretty sure for many of you who's weakness is pride.
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
This is so true. I have experienced it so many times where God would reveal my pride and I would just choose to ignore it. Then I would fall bad, helping me realize that I truly am nothing. Nothing that I've done or can do has saved me but it was only by the grace of God. So, in conclusion, there is nothing for me to boast about. I have nothing to say to others pointing out that I'm better than them because I'm this way or that way but it was only by God's grace that He's starting to transform me.. Trust me, THERE ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY THINGS THAT I FIND IN MYSELF TO BE SOO WICKED.. But only by God's mercy, he reveals to me so I can repent of it and be right with him. To be honest, pride is still my greatest weakness. HS continues to show and reveal to me that I need to submit when I want to boast. He tells me to be low when someone flicks me off on the freeway. He reminds me to pray for them even more.. and to cry out for their souls. There are many times when I want to lash back at someone after they've hurt me. There are many times when I wanted to inflict pain or even rejoice over another person's misfortune but now that God has been merciful, I need to show mercy also. Just as the Lord had compassion for the world that hates him and finds him offensive, I want to have compassion on those who hate me because I'm a believer in Christ and is found innocent.
Jeremiah 12:5
If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses?
This is one of my favorite verses. God spoke to me through this during my sophomore year of College.. even in my religiousness. But it speaks to me even more to this day. If I can't forgive those that have wronged me alittle, HOW WILL I BE ABLE TO FORGIVE THOSE WHO'LL HATE ME BECAUSE IM A FIRM BELIEVER OF JESUS CHRIST!? If I can't love those around me that have wronged me, HOW WILL I BE ABLE TO LOVE THOSE WHO WILL BE PISSING ON MY FACE OR CHOPPING MY FINGERS OFF JUST BECAUSE I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST!? If I can't handle this situation, how will I be able to handle the greater things that are to come? This is when I say, "God, i trust you. Even though it's super hard to love this person, I will obey you. Because you have said in your word that If I loved you I will keep your commands, this is why I will choose to love when I don't want to. I am not living to satisfy myself but to satisfy you and be pleasing to you. I will submit. I will humble myself and cry out on behalf of those who hurt me.. so that you can save them. Just as you have saved a wretched sinner like me. If you can save me, You can save anyone...
So Finally to the meat of the entry.
OBADIAH - strong warning to the PROUD.
TO CHRISTIANS TODAY and also to MYSELF: To those that when they hear of the calamity of a brother or sister, applaud and say, "It's about time. He had it coming; she deserved it. This book is a warning to those who think this way, which includes me. Those who possess an attitude of pride and a desire for vengeance will be reduced to nothing. We might feel all high and mighty when we see others cut down, but bible reminds us that God can also cut down down to size. Whenever you take refuge in your temporary limited source of strength, or even your position at work, or even intellectual power.. you're preparing for a fall. Though you feel secure, God can bring you down realllll fast.
So, if we hold grudges or attempt to take revenge, our own failure is certain. God says in Romans 12:19 - " It is mine to avenge, I will repay." He's basically saying," Leave it to me. I know the wrong done to you. I know all the unfair treatment. Let me deal with those who have hurt you. Your role is to forgive. Remember my sovereign power, don't attempt to take vengeance or you will certainly fail.
2. If we are proud and take pleasure in another's calamity, our own success will be diminished. Genuine spirit filled christians will weep with those who are weeping. Genuine spirit filled christians will have compassion, mercy, etc. on those who need it.
3. If we think we are secure in what we have earned and erected, our situation is sure to change. A heart of pride can backfire on us. We can become so arrogant, so convinced of our own invincibility, that we may not realize that we are setting ourselves up for destruction.
Advice from my study bible:
Beware of the attitudes of a prideful heart. Keep in mind these attitudes of self-sufficiency, self-righteousness, and self-centered judgementalism. These are deadly attitudes in the end. They'll lead to a hard heart, a heart of stone, a heart that cannot and will not get along with God, a heart that will not get along with others. Let Obadiah remind you of the consequences of the prideful heart that dwells with vengeance.
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