I've been reading the book of Amos for the past couple of days. My study bible gives a brief description about the book and some historical background. It listed a couple of life lessons from Amos.
1. There is always a place for a dedicated messenger of God.
This means that you don't have to be well-schooled, intelligent, or even go to seminary. You don't have to know Hebrew or Greek to be influential and dedicated to God. key: faithfulness and dedication
2. some of God's choicest instruments emerge from obscure places.
3. God always warns before He judges.
This is a warning for those who have not changed their mind about their religiousness. God is constantly warning you but you decide to ignore his warnings. His warnings always precede judgement. The book of Amos is an example of when God says, "That's enough!" Please obey God.. if you feel as though this might be pertaining to you. Humble yourself before the Lord almighty. Submit to His ways and he will give you Life.
4. one of the greatest privileges on earth is to be fed the good Word of God.
While reading these passages, I asked God to make me an Amos. That I may be fully dedicated and faithful to Him.. even to the grave. That He may give me the strength and will to lay down life everyday so that He can be glorified. To speak on His behalf. To seek His face as my ultimate purpose. To love Him and make his fame known throughout the world.. to awaken those that are dead.
Amos 5:6.
This struck out to me. HS showed me that the only way to stay alive and breathing.. being sensitive to the spirit and the father is by remaining in His presence. This world is dead and will pass. The more I partake in the world, will make me more desensitized. Why put on the chains that Christ has freed me of? The chains of the world.. and the bondages of sin. I pray that my flesh will die like the rest of the world. Help me HS to be led fully by you. Burn in me. More. More. and more. I love how that fire that you've placed in my heart.. that seal that you've placed on my heart.. has been growing more and more. God, you are consuming fire. I want to be a woman that burns with passion that this world cannot describe. God I want more of you. There is nothing like this. Use my life to please you Oh God. There is no where else I want to be.
What a coincidence. I am studying Amos literally right now in my class.
ReplyDeleteThe central message of Amos - external security and material prosperity lead to religious complacency and ethical laxity.
Thanks for sharing.