I'm going to begin with a radical statement: You will never experience the fullness of joy that you were created to know until Jesus Christ has first place in every area of your life.
Now hang onto that for a minute. First place.
First in your home.
First in your choices for entertainment.
First in the way you use your money.
First in your career.
First in your thoughts.
First in your decisions.
First in your marriage.
First in your singleness.
First in your relationships.
First in your dreams for the future.
Say it now: "I will never experience the fullness of joy that I was created to know until I put Jesus Christ first in every area of my life."
I think a lot of people would intellectually subscribe to that statement, but I wonder how many of us would truly embrace it in a way that affects our behavior? Doing so doesn't come easily.
Colossians 1:16 says, "All things were created through him and for him." Through Christ and for Christ. Some people have a hard time with that. They're like, "I can handle the fact that He created the universe, but I have a hard time with Him creating the universe for Himself. Who does He think He is? His glory? His pleasure? His purpose? Is that ever prideful! How self-centered can you get?!" Listen. The amazing thing is not that Jesus Christ created us for Himself. The amazing thing is that He cares at all. The amazing thing is that He has chosen in His incredible grace to love us, to dwell with us, to forgive us—the list goes on.
Think about your life. Think about His persistent love. Think about how faithfully He pursues you in spite of yourself. The next time you sin or reject or ignore Him, how amazing is it that He just doesn't walk away and say, "Forget you!" We are here to bring Him glory and to make Him known. He is our purpose and we find our greatest joy when He is at the center of our lives.
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