"There are only two kinds of persons: those dead in sin and
those dead to sin."
-Leonard Ravenhill
amos 6:8.
"Seek the Lord and Live."
You can only come to life by knowing Christ. And you do not know that you're dead unless He has brought you to life. When we are dead in our transgressions, in our sins, we are like walking zombies. We're walking.. making progress... but we're not alive. Many in the world, and sadly many in the church.. could be making progress by chasing after paper money which is in actuality a debt note, going after the things of this world like sex, drugs, girls, parties, alcohol.. driving nicer cars.. wearing nicer clothes.... not only the things that are material.. but it's also living in pride, selfishness, trying to please other people to be accepted... etc.. but in the end, they do not realize that they're still dead. The main purpose of doing all these things.. for ex.. working.. making money and going after things that might temporarily satisfy the flesh.. is because many are seeking to break out of this cycle that they might be caught in. But the more you try to break out with your own strength.. the more it takes over. This is why God is the only one that can save. It's not by our strength or works that we can attain salvation and eternal life. Jesus came to give life and to live life abundantly.. which means we start today! Many of us do not know that we are dead. They are just deceived to thinking that, that is what life is.. but it's really because they haven't tasted LIFE. After recommitting my life to Christ, I felt alive for the first time! I felt as though I was renewed, born again, given a second chance to live a LIFE. To sow into Life and reap more LIFE. Life can only come from the spirit. It's not a flesh thing. Sorry you guys. The very thing many of you guys are rejecting is Life and living Life abundantly. Go ahead and go after the cars, girls, boys, careers, fame, cash.... but you will not gain the satisfaction and peace that can only be from God. That is why Amos 6:8 is still ressonating in my heart. Seek him People! Seek Him with all your heart, soul, body, strength, and mind.. There's no one like Him. Trust Him and believe in the power of His blood and His name.
Philippians 2:9-11: "Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
God, I ask you to awaken us, those who are dead in our sins. We are tired of this mundane life and want to experience LIFE that you've given us. I ask Lord that you may give clarity to those who are confused and dead. Please bring them to life that can only be through Christ Jesus. Reveal yourself to them like you have revealed your fame to those in the bible and to many across the world. I cry out for your mercy for these souls God. Save them so that they can spend eternity with us. Thank you so much for being who you are. You are a merciful, merciful God. Abounding in love. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.
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