Friday, May 14, 2010

Prideful Men will go to Hell.

If you want to go to hell here are instructions for you to follow:

Be proud. Be so proud of your works of "good deeds". Keep working hard at trying to be a good person until you die. Don't trust that Jesus' blood was sufficient enough for you. Trust in yourself that you can buy your way into heaven. Don't repent and admit that you can't be perfect. Don't cry out to God.

Be deceived. Don't read the bible. Wallow in your self condemnations.. which is rooted in pride. Wallow in self pity and watch yourself self-destruct.

Live to gratify the flesh even if it leaves you more empty and broken and scarred. Keep doing it until you bleed and you grow apathetic like a leper.

Stay angry at God and all the different situations around you. Don't be thankful for the sufferings and hardships that God is allowing to happen. He uses it for the good of those who love him, not the ones that hate him so it won't really matter for you. Stay angry and bitter. Hold onto your bitterness til it rots. Work your butt off for the temporary things of this world and burn yourself out. Be self centered, self focused. Make everything all about you.

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