Sunday, May 30, 2010
Matthew 11:28
David Wilkerson Today
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2010
"There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered
into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his"
(Hebrews 4:9-10).
You may wonder, "What does it mean to enter this promised rest? What should it
look like in my life?" I pray that God will remove the scales from our eyes and
allow us to grasp this. Simply put, entering into his promised rest means fully
trusting that Christ has done all the work of salvation for you. You're to rest
in his saving grace, by faith alone.
This is what Jesus means when he urges, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). It means the end of
all your fleshly striving, all your human efforts to obtain peace. And it means
relying totally on Jesus' work for you.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood. It takes place in the spiritual
realm. The Old Testament makes this crystal clear. Time after time, Israel made
empty, futile promises to God: "We want to serve you, Lord. We'll do whatever
you command us." But history proves they had neither the heart nor the ability
to follow through on their word. God had to strip them of all faith in
themselves. Everything we need is to come from our precious Lord's presence.
Paul states, "In him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). This
speaks of uninterrupted fellowship. Through the victory of the cross, our Lord
has made himself available to us every hour of the day or night. We have to
make a decision: "I want Christ in my life. I want to be set free from all
flesh. So I'm going to move forward, into his presence and claim my possession.
I want Jesus to be my all, my only source of satisfaction."
David wilkerson
Friday, May 21, 2010
Letter to a reluctant prophet.
Even though I don't see myself of any worth to be known as a prophet.. this has given me a great insight on humility and how we are all called to that higher calling which is to be conformed to Christ's likeness.
-excerpts by Chip Brogden.
Dear Friend,
It is with a certain fearfulness that I respond to your inquiry, for I
am not an authority on such things. I can certainly relate to your
reluctance at being identified among the company of the prophets
when so many false apostles, prophets, and teachers abound. I
wish I could point you in a proper direction, but I can only point
you towards the Lord. It is He who selects His messengers, and
I have nothing to offer you by way of what to do.
At most, perhaps you can look upon me as an example of what
NOT to do, and take some word of counsel from a weak brother
who has made many mistakes and endured many failures along
the way. Perhaps you too will have to make even the same
mistakes in order to learn, yet following my advice could perhaps
help you to avoid the unnecessary heartache and cruelty inflicted
upon yourself and others when thinking that you are doing God a
service. I would counsel you, first of all, to be a Christian. Do not
spend too much time focused on that which is prophetic. Do not
come to others as a prophet, but as a child. Let Christ be your
obsession, not the prophetic word. For "the testimony of Jesus is
the spirit of prophecy." There need not be turmoil in your heart
about your calling; it is clear that you are among those that are
"the Called, according to His purpose." And what is His purpose?
That you be "conformed to the image of His dear Son." That,
above all, is your first calling. Many are eager to wear the Prophet's
mantle, but are reluctant to bear the Christian's cross. This cannot
be. Given the choice between Christian or Prophet, choose Christian.
Serve God as the earthen vessel you are, in the place you find
yourself to be.
Perhaps the Lord will indeed use you in some prophetic way, but
if not then at least you have been faithful with the "one talent" you
have been given. God will not give five talents to those who cannot
be faithful with one, and will not give ten to those who cannot be
faithful with five. If you are a Christian first you will remember that
you should walk softly, with meekness and humility, while
esteeming others as better than yourself. Then the prophetic word,
when and if it comes, will be seasoned with the appropriate amounts
of mercy and grace.
Remember that without love you will inevitably become as
sounding brass - all judgment. If we cannot or will not stay in Love,
God will set out to humble us shamefully before our brothers and
sisters that we may know the depths of our hypocrisy and
self-righteousness. That is evidence of HIS great love for all of us.
Now, concerning the prophetic word itself. God will give you the
"what", but the "when" and the "how" are left up to you. "The
spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets." You can be
right on target with the "what", but if you screw up the "when",
and especially the "how", you do yourself and others unnecessary
Let us not only be familiar with His Word, but let us become
acquainted with His Ways. It is not enough to memorize what
He said, we must take His yoke upon us and walk in tandem
with Him. Since Christ bids us to "learn of ME", beware of those
who will try to gain access into your life with an inordinate desire
to mentor or shepherd you. We may certainly seek the advice,
prayers, and counsel of other mature believers. Even the little
children in the Kingdom of God can teach us much. But people
can only carry us so far... Do you see dear friend, that God
is more concerned with the messenger than the message? Do
you see that the minister is more important than the ministry?
If the messenger is wrong, the message will be wrong too. If the
minister is wrong, the ministry will be wrong. And do you see that
the Lord of the work is more important than the work of the Lord?
Meditate on these things. There really is no famine of the Word
of God. If God is able to find the right vessel the Word will come
forth in abundance. Therefore, He takes much time to mold,
fashion, train, refine, purge, break down, build up, discipline and
create His prophets. Yield to that process. It cannot be rushed,
but it may certainly be hindered. We cannot force the Spirit, but
we may certainly quench Him. Ah, your gifts are given to you in a
moment's time, but your fruit, your character, YOU, develops
over many seasons of God's dealings. Do not be thrilled with
your gifts, only observe if you are fruitful in Spirit, bearing much
fruit, abounding in love, joy, peace, faithfulness, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, meekness, and self-control.You can be
sure that there are more gifted people in the world than you, yet
the fruit is what will remain when the gifts pass away. Never
neglect the place of abiding in Him, and you will remain a fruitful
branch in the Vine. Expect misunderstanding. Expect persecution.
Expect ridicule. Expect mistreatment. Expect suffering. Expect
rejection. Then, you won't be surprised when it comes. And when
it comes, shut your mouth, go to the cross, and die so you can
live. Learn to kiss the hands that nail you to the cross, for as you
are decreased, He is increased. It is not a better living we need,
but a better dying. We cannot reach Pentecost but by way of
Passover. There can be no resurrection without a crucifixion...
Be afraid of the praise and acceptance of others, for they are the
fertilizer for the self-important and grandiose thoughts that are
yours by nature anyway, which spring up in the shallow ground
of your carnal mind. Carry about the Death of the Lord so you
may have the Life of the Lord. Be ready to suffer with Him, that
you may reign with Him. And now, some practical advice: As
much as possible, stay away from money...
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive. Before, you would never
apologize even when you knew you were wrong. Now, be willing
to apologize even when you know you are right.
This is my counsel, dear friend, and perhaps something I have
said in this brief letter will bear witness with you. With these
words then, I commit you to the care of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who is able to complete the work which He has begun in you
and see you through to maturity, as you are rooted and grounded
in Him, being thoroughly equipped and strengthened by His
Might which works in those who have taken up the cross to
find power in weakness... --Chip Brogden.
-excerpts by Chip Brogden.
Dear Friend,
It is with a certain fearfulness that I respond to your inquiry, for I
am not an authority on such things. I can certainly relate to your
reluctance at being identified among the company of the prophets
when so many false apostles, prophets, and teachers abound. I
wish I could point you in a proper direction, but I can only point
you towards the Lord. It is He who selects His messengers, and
I have nothing to offer you by way of what to do.
At most, perhaps you can look upon me as an example of what
NOT to do, and take some word of counsel from a weak brother
who has made many mistakes and endured many failures along
the way. Perhaps you too will have to make even the same
mistakes in order to learn, yet following my advice could perhaps
help you to avoid the unnecessary heartache and cruelty inflicted
upon yourself and others when thinking that you are doing God a
service. I would counsel you, first of all, to be a Christian. Do not
spend too much time focused on that which is prophetic. Do not
come to others as a prophet, but as a child. Let Christ be your
obsession, not the prophetic word. For "the testimony of Jesus is
the spirit of prophecy." There need not be turmoil in your heart
about your calling; it is clear that you are among those that are
"the Called, according to His purpose." And what is His purpose?
That you be "conformed to the image of His dear Son." That,
above all, is your first calling. Many are eager to wear the Prophet's
mantle, but are reluctant to bear the Christian's cross. This cannot
be. Given the choice between Christian or Prophet, choose Christian.
Serve God as the earthen vessel you are, in the place you find
yourself to be.
Perhaps the Lord will indeed use you in some prophetic way, but
if not then at least you have been faithful with the "one talent" you
have been given. God will not give five talents to those who cannot
be faithful with one, and will not give ten to those who cannot be
faithful with five. If you are a Christian first you will remember that
you should walk softly, with meekness and humility, while
esteeming others as better than yourself. Then the prophetic word,
when and if it comes, will be seasoned with the appropriate amounts
of mercy and grace.
Remember that without love you will inevitably become as
sounding brass - all judgment. If we cannot or will not stay in Love,
God will set out to humble us shamefully before our brothers and
sisters that we may know the depths of our hypocrisy and
self-righteousness. That is evidence of HIS great love for all of us.
Now, concerning the prophetic word itself. God will give you the
"what", but the "when" and the "how" are left up to you. "The
spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets." You can be
right on target with the "what", but if you screw up the "when",
and especially the "how", you do yourself and others unnecessary
Let us not only be familiar with His Word, but let us become
acquainted with His Ways. It is not enough to memorize what
He said, we must take His yoke upon us and walk in tandem
with Him. Since Christ bids us to "learn of ME", beware of those
who will try to gain access into your life with an inordinate desire
to mentor or shepherd you. We may certainly seek the advice,
prayers, and counsel of other mature believers. Even the little
children in the Kingdom of God can teach us much. But people
can only carry us so far... Do you see dear friend, that God
is more concerned with the messenger than the message? Do
you see that the minister is more important than the ministry?
If the messenger is wrong, the message will be wrong too. If the
minister is wrong, the ministry will be wrong. And do you see that
the Lord of the work is more important than the work of the Lord?
Meditate on these things. There really is no famine of the Word
of God. If God is able to find the right vessel the Word will come
forth in abundance. Therefore, He takes much time to mold,
fashion, train, refine, purge, break down, build up, discipline and
create His prophets. Yield to that process. It cannot be rushed,
but it may certainly be hindered. We cannot force the Spirit, but
we may certainly quench Him. Ah, your gifts are given to you in a
moment's time, but your fruit, your character, YOU, develops
over many seasons of God's dealings. Do not be thrilled with
your gifts, only observe if you are fruitful in Spirit, bearing much
fruit, abounding in love, joy, peace, faithfulness, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, meekness, and self-control.You can be
sure that there are more gifted people in the world than you, yet
the fruit is what will remain when the gifts pass away. Never
neglect the place of abiding in Him, and you will remain a fruitful
branch in the Vine. Expect misunderstanding. Expect persecution.
Expect ridicule. Expect mistreatment. Expect suffering. Expect
rejection. Then, you won't be surprised when it comes. And when
it comes, shut your mouth, go to the cross, and die so you can
live. Learn to kiss the hands that nail you to the cross, for as you
are decreased, He is increased. It is not a better living we need,
but a better dying. We cannot reach Pentecost but by way of
Passover. There can be no resurrection without a crucifixion...
Be afraid of the praise and acceptance of others, for they are the
fertilizer for the self-important and grandiose thoughts that are
yours by nature anyway, which spring up in the shallow ground
of your carnal mind. Carry about the Death of the Lord so you
may have the Life of the Lord. Be ready to suffer with Him, that
you may reign with Him. And now, some practical advice: As
much as possible, stay away from money...
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive. Before, you would never
apologize even when you knew you were wrong. Now, be willing
to apologize even when you know you are right.
This is my counsel, dear friend, and perhaps something I have
said in this brief letter will bear witness with you. With these
words then, I commit you to the care of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who is able to complete the work which He has begun in you
and see you through to maturity, as you are rooted and grounded
in Him, being thoroughly equipped and strengthened by His
Might which works in those who have taken up the cross to
find power in weakness... --Chip Brogden.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Holiness Preacher and Legalism
by Bill Harper.
The Holiness preacher, a Godly man,
was seen riding his circuit with Bible in hand.
He rode in sunshine and he rode in rain,
he rode when he felt good, and he rode in pain...
Often he fasted, God’s will to achieve,
striving for perfection, lest the Spirit he’d grieve.
Often his congregation numbered just a few.
He preached without compromise and he helped them pray through...
He preached against demon rum and the dance.
He spoke against painted up women and games of chance.
The Holiness preacher, a Godly man,
kept up with the times, God’s kingdom to expand...
Few people attended in fancy clothes.
They didn’t come to look at others, down their nose.
As he entered into this modern age
he preached against radio as though in a rage.
Avoid the theater also he’d say.
Avoid worldliness, walk the strait narrow way.
When moving pictures made their debut
he preached against this devil’s invention so new.
Movies corrupted our morals said he,
the things they portrayed weren’t fit for Christians to see.
During the depression he bought a tent,
in which to hold meetings, telling men to repent...
ANDREW AGAIN: The poem about “The Holiness Preacher” above
is certainly well-done. But can I just say this, my friends-
The old-time “Holiness” movement that concerned itself with
“dancing” and “bobbed hair” and ‘no makeup for women’, etc, is
NOT where I am coming from with this TV thing.
A lot of those concerns were about “outward” things – and easily
descended into legalism. I truly believe that TV is gaining access
to the “heart” of man – and that is my main concern. It slowly and
gradually fills people’s minds and lives with complete junk.
To be frank with you, I don’t care about “bobbed hair” and I have
been known to dance enthusiastically with my wife at weddings,
etc. - and also to take her out to the Cinema on occasion. Does
that make me “unholy”? Is that what we think "holiness" is about?
Is it all about these 'outward' things?
I have to confess to you - when I first read the poem about the
"Holiness preacher" the only thing that sprang to my mind was
that it was not real Holiness - but rather "Legalism" that this man
represented. And yes - this became a huge problem in the old
Holiness circles. You had to have your hair the "right" way and
your dress the "right" way and never attend movies or dances
and on and on.
The only real Holiness I am interested in preaching is Holiness of
the HEART. If our focus is on mere "outward" things then all we
will get from our preaching is a bunch of 'Legalists' who do and say
all the "right" things - but their hearts are proud and self-righteous.
I greatly fear that many "holiness" circles today have the same
legalistic tendencies. It is all about the "right" music styles and
head coverings and long dresses - and the 'Heart' is forgotten in
the rush to get all these "outward" things right. This is no Holiness
at all. God is after a pure heart. He wants the INSIDE of the cup
to be cleaned - rather than all this focus on the 'outside'.
We need to apply this Scripture - "To the pure all things are pure."
This is a place of tremendous freedom - but only if we truly have
a pure heart.
Can we please learn the difference between Holiness and Legalism,
my friends, so this generation does not repeat many of the same
errors as our 'Holiness' forefathers?
by Bill Harper.
The Holiness preacher, a Godly man,
was seen riding his circuit with Bible in hand.
He rode in sunshine and he rode in rain,
he rode when he felt good, and he rode in pain...
Often he fasted, God’s will to achieve,
striving for perfection, lest the Spirit he’d grieve.
Often his congregation numbered just a few.
He preached without compromise and he helped them pray through...
He preached against demon rum and the dance.
He spoke against painted up women and games of chance.
The Holiness preacher, a Godly man,
kept up with the times, God’s kingdom to expand...
Few people attended in fancy clothes.
They didn’t come to look at others, down their nose.
As he entered into this modern age
he preached against radio as though in a rage.
Avoid the theater also he’d say.
Avoid worldliness, walk the strait narrow way.
When moving pictures made their debut
he preached against this devil’s invention so new.
Movies corrupted our morals said he,
the things they portrayed weren’t fit for Christians to see.
During the depression he bought a tent,
in which to hold meetings, telling men to repent...
ANDREW AGAIN: The poem about “The Holiness Preacher” above
is certainly well-done. But can I just say this, my friends-
The old-time “Holiness” movement that concerned itself with
“dancing” and “bobbed hair” and ‘no makeup for women’, etc, is
NOT where I am coming from with this TV thing.
A lot of those concerns were about “outward” things – and easily
descended into legalism. I truly believe that TV is gaining access
to the “heart” of man – and that is my main concern. It slowly and
gradually fills people’s minds and lives with complete junk.
To be frank with you, I don’t care about “bobbed hair” and I have
been known to dance enthusiastically with my wife at weddings,
etc. - and also to take her out to the Cinema on occasion. Does
that make me “unholy”? Is that what we think "holiness" is about?
Is it all about these 'outward' things?
I have to confess to you - when I first read the poem about the
"Holiness preacher" the only thing that sprang to my mind was
that it was not real Holiness - but rather "Legalism" that this man
represented. And yes - this became a huge problem in the old
Holiness circles. You had to have your hair the "right" way and
your dress the "right" way and never attend movies or dances
and on and on.
The only real Holiness I am interested in preaching is Holiness of
the HEART. If our focus is on mere "outward" things then all we
will get from our preaching is a bunch of 'Legalists' who do and say
all the "right" things - but their hearts are proud and self-righteous.
I greatly fear that many "holiness" circles today have the same
legalistic tendencies. It is all about the "right" music styles and
head coverings and long dresses - and the 'Heart' is forgotten in
the rush to get all these "outward" things right. This is no Holiness
at all. God is after a pure heart. He wants the INSIDE of the cup
to be cleaned - rather than all this focus on the 'outside'.
We need to apply this Scripture - "To the pure all things are pure."
This is a place of tremendous freedom - but only if we truly have
a pure heart.
Can we please learn the difference between Holiness and Legalism,
my friends, so this generation does not repeat many of the same
errors as our 'Holiness' forefathers?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Revelation 16:15
"Blessed is he that watcheth." --Revelation 16:15
"We die daily", said the apostle. This was the life of the early Christians; they went everywhere with their lives in their hands. We are not in this day called to pass through the same fearful persecutions: if we were, the Lord would give us grace to bear the test; but the tests of Christian life, at the present moment, though outwardly not so terrible, are yet more likely to overcome us than even those of the fiery age. We have to bear the sneer of the world--that is little; its blandishments, its soft words, its oily speeches, its fawning, its hypocrisy, are far worse. Our danger is lest we grow rich and become proud, lest we give ourselves up to the fashions of this present evil world, and lose our faith. Or if wealth be not the trial, worldly care is quite as mischievous. If we cannot be torn in pieces by the roaring lion, if we may be hugged to death by the bear, the devil little cares which it is, so long as he destroys our love to Christ, and our confidence in him. I fear me that the Christian church is far more likely to lose her integrity in these soft and silken days than in those rougher times. We must be awake now, for we traverse the enchanted ground, and are most likely to fall asleep to our own undoing, unless our faith in Jesus be a reality, and our love to Jesus a vehement flame. Many in these days of easy profession are likely to prove tares, and not wheat; hypocrites with fair masks on their faces, but not the true born children of the living God. Christian, do not think that these are times in which you can dispense with watchfulness or with holy ardour; you need these things more than ever, and may God the eternal Spirit display his omnipotence in you, that you may be able to say, in all these softer things, as well as in the rougher, "We are more than conquerors through him that loved us."
-Charles Spurgeon
Jeremiah 16:20
"Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods." --Jeremiah 16:20
One great besetting sin of ancient Israel was idolatry, and the spiritual Israel are vexed with a tendency to the same folly. Remphan's star shines no longer, and the women weep no more for Tammuz, but Mammon still intrudes his golden calf, and the shrines of pride are not forsaken. Self in various forms struggles to subdue the chosen ones under its dominion, and the flesh sets up its altars wherever it can find space for them. Favourite children are often the cause of much sin in believers; the Lord is grieved when he sees us doting upon them above measure; they will live to be as great a curse to us as Absalom was to David, or they will be taken from us to leave our homes desolate. If Christians desire to grow thorns to stuff their sleepless pillows, let them dote on their dear ones.
It is truly said that "they are no gods", for the objects of our foolish love are very doubtful blessings, the solace which they yield us now is dangerous, and the help which they can give us in the hour of trouble is little indeed. Why, then, are we so bewitched with vanities? We pity the poor heathen who adore a god of stone, and yet worship a god of gold. Where is the vast superiority between a god of flesh and one of wood? The principle, the sin, the folly is the same in either case, only that in ours the crime is more aggravated because we have more light, and sin in the face of it. The heathen bows to a false deity, but the true God he has never known; we commit two evils, inasmuch as we forsake the living God and turn unto idols. May the Lord purge us all from this grievous iniquity!
"The dearest idol I have known,
Whate'er that idol be;
Help me to tear it from thy throne,
And worship only thee."
-Charles Spurgeon
One great besetting sin of ancient Israel was idolatry, and the spiritual Israel are vexed with a tendency to the same folly. Remphan's star shines no longer, and the women weep no more for Tammuz, but Mammon still intrudes his golden calf, and the shrines of pride are not forsaken. Self in various forms struggles to subdue the chosen ones under its dominion, and the flesh sets up its altars wherever it can find space for them. Favourite children are often the cause of much sin in believers; the Lord is grieved when he sees us doting upon them above measure; they will live to be as great a curse to us as Absalom was to David, or they will be taken from us to leave our homes desolate. If Christians desire to grow thorns to stuff their sleepless pillows, let them dote on their dear ones.
It is truly said that "they are no gods", for the objects of our foolish love are very doubtful blessings, the solace which they yield us now is dangerous, and the help which they can give us in the hour of trouble is little indeed. Why, then, are we so bewitched with vanities? We pity the poor heathen who adore a god of stone, and yet worship a god of gold. Where is the vast superiority between a god of flesh and one of wood? The principle, the sin, the folly is the same in either case, only that in ours the crime is more aggravated because we have more light, and sin in the face of it. The heathen bows to a false deity, but the true God he has never known; we commit two evils, inasmuch as we forsake the living God and turn unto idols. May the Lord purge us all from this grievous iniquity!
"The dearest idol I have known,
Whate'er that idol be;
Help me to tear it from thy throne,
And worship only thee."
-Charles Spurgeon
Friday, May 14, 2010
Prideful Men will go to Hell.
If you want to go to hell here are instructions for you to follow:
Be proud. Be so proud of your works of "good deeds". Keep working hard at trying to be a good person until you die. Don't trust that Jesus' blood was sufficient enough for you. Trust in yourself that you can buy your way into heaven. Don't repent and admit that you can't be perfect. Don't cry out to God.
Be deceived. Don't read the bible. Wallow in your self condemnations.. which is rooted in pride. Wallow in self pity and watch yourself self-destruct.
Live to gratify the flesh even if it leaves you more empty and broken and scarred. Keep doing it until you bleed and you grow apathetic like a leper.
Stay angry at God and all the different situations around you. Don't be thankful for the sufferings and hardships that God is allowing to happen. He uses it for the good of those who love him, not the ones that hate him so it won't really matter for you. Stay angry and bitter. Hold onto your bitterness til it rots. Work your butt off for the temporary things of this world and burn yourself out. Be self centered, self focused. Make everything all about you.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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